Building the future
Under the light of our experiences, we believe that, in every moment of deep transformation, skills improvement plays a key role in achieving companies’ expected results, together with the pursue of their ambitions in business continuity and growth.
Duke&Kay is an independent company of Managers with proven track records in handling complex business situations.
Duke & Kay unique approach to effectively support companies is based on two closely connected souls:
- the experiences gained over the years in the field of restructuring and performance improvement with industrial expertise, competence in corporate finance and, where necessary, specific knowledge of bankruptcy law
- the ability and obsessive care in selecting managers able to take action in companies facing a transition period, to held key positions for the time strictly necessary to improve the situation and to achieve results.
Maurizio Ria: New EBA regulation for the classification of NPLs
Duke&Kay works for Companies, Investors (industrial & Financial), Banks, Law firms, Government agencies, Local authorities
Almost 6 out of 10 companies with liquidity difficulties, Unioncamere NPL and UTP growth
Duke&Kay can help you emerge from the crisis and build the future with confidence
- To set and implement a business plan to recover and restart the company
- To activate a network of partners (Banks, Funds) to support the management of the company
- To involve managers with the right skills for crisis management and to guide the recovery plan
In Italy there are 10 billion euros of equity spread over 450 companies (AIFI)
Bring your company back to growth: Duke & Kay supports you in all phases up to the exit.
- Knowledge and strong relationship with the main international Private Equity Firms
- Many operations successfully managed
- Selected senior executives with proven experience
The challenge for 70% of Italian companies is to recover performance levels before COVID
Duke & Kay offers you support, expertise and tools to help you recover
- Senior Executives with proven experience and credibility
- Proprietary tools for performance analysis
- Sharing of risk for definitive results
1 company out of 2 is ready to hire Managers in the next three years
Duke & Kay believes that the success for companies’ recovery and growth is based on the key role of competence
- Obsessive attention to the search and selection of the right Manager to solve the problems
Advanced analysis and evaluation tools to guarantee a choice of quality and objectivity
Managers with a proven track record in the area involved
Business cases
Leadership Team
Maurizio Ria
Managing PartnerPaola Mucci
HR PartnerIn un articolo de Il Sole 24 Ore pubblicato oggi, viene ripreso uno studio di Boston Consulting Group (BCG) che evidenzia l’incremento dei tassi di insolvenza tra 2022 e 23 e la crescente necessità per le aziende europee di adattarsi a un contesto economico difficile e ad una tecnologia in continua evoluzione per mantenere la loro competitività e redditività.
With full mandate and shared risk with the clients – Valtus Alliance's Italian partner Duke & Kay has found their niche in leading successful transformations.
As a Partner at Valtus Alliance, the global leader in business transformation, Duke & Kay supports clients facing critical situations on both national and international scales
illimity, Neprix and Duke & Kay tell the latest success story: TRE Holding business case